Systems Newsletter – VEND/YOCO Integration

By Ian Meaker on 26 Jan 2018

December was an exciting month in the space of integrations, and the new VEND-YOCO  integration is making waves.

There is now a high-level integration between VEND POS and the YOCO payment service.

Previously, when checking out on VEND, one had to tap the “Credit Card” payment type on iPad and manually enter the payment amount into the merchant payment device (card machine). This process used to take a fair amount of time and allowed room for error as cashiers could enter an amount not matching the sale amount.

VEND and YOCO, well mostly YOCO, have worked hard to make this process “SEAMLESS”

The new integration ensures:

  • The YOCO device pre-populates the sale amount matching VEND (no human entry required)
  • The cashier does not need to touch the customer’s credit card as no data entry on the YOCO device is required by the cashier
  • It is now *almost impossible to have a discrepancy, during the cash-up, between the total card payments displayed on VEND and YOCO in your end of day reconciliation

With YOCO doing so well in South Africa at the moment (and stealing market share from the big dogs like Nedbank), other payment providers are trying to get in on the action (or reclaim the market). See below!

Screen Shot 2018 07

This integration can be a huge value-add to clients and is quick to set up. If you have any client’s using VEND and a YOCO device please forward them this link containing the set-up guide:

Feel free to send over any questions you may have regarding this month’s newsletter.

Jason Proctor (Creative CFO – Systems Team)